Aubrey was due on November 13th, 2010. Leading up to her due date, my weekly exams indicated that I wasn't really making much progress towards going into labor on my own. Very little dilation and effacement. So we scheduled an elective induction on November 16th, a Tuesday. We checked into the hospital at 12am that Tuesday to begin the induction process. We went to an antepartum room where they started my IV and began the process to thin the cervix (they basically just put a little pill of something up next to the cervix and it is supposed to help it thin out). They had to administer the pill twice during the next several hours- I wasn't making much progress. Weston and I tried to get some sleep, although we were way too excited to sleep.
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Ready to go to Labor and Delivery |
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Not feeling so hot- trying to stay optimistic |
The doctor came to check me after a couple of hours and I had made zero progress. We asked her to wait outside for a few minutes while we made a decision. Words can't express how disappointed we were... we prayed so hard for progress! Ultimately we decided that if God didn't offer up the progress we so desperately wanted then it just wasn't time for Aubrey to be born. If we decided to break my water and go for it-- we would totally be doing it OUR WAY without consideration of what God's plan was.
So we packed up and went home.
We were so disappointed to come home with Aubrey still in my tummy. Depressed is a good way to describe how I felt.
We killed the time for the next few days and went back to the doctor on Friday, the 19th. Since it was a Friday- the week before Thanksgiving- we found out that L&D was REALLY booked up. Although I wasn't "officially" a full week past my due date (I was only 6 days past)- they went ahead and found some room for me in L&D for a medically necessary induction. I went directly from my doctor's office to the hospital. We weren't prepared to have a baby that day so we didn't have our hospital bags with us. My mom went home to get all my things and Weston and I checked in and got settled.
This time it was a breeze!! They started my IV and my pitocin drip around 10 or 11am. After about an hour of contractions, my water broke on its own. It was at that point I decided to ask for my epidural. The anesthesiologist was there within 30 minutes and the process of getting the epidural was pretty easy. The medicine, though, made me feel extremely nauseated and kept causing my blood pressure to drop. They covered me with some warm blankets, and moved me onto my side- a position that would be good for allowing Aubrey to move down into the birth canal.
So I just laid there trying not to think about the seasick feeling and then I felt a lot of pressure. I asked the nurse to come check me and I was at 10cm, Aubrey was ready to come out and it was time to push!
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Ready to push! |
As soon as they brought her back to me, we spent some time skin to skin and I was able to nurse her. It is absolutely amazing that they just know how to nurse. No one had to teach her how to do that, she just knew how. Everything after that is pretty much a hazy fog of adrenaline and emotions. I remember getting to hold her as they wheeled me up to my postpartum room and we dropped her off at the nursery for her bath. I went on to my room to get settled in and Weston (and all the grandparents) stayed with Aubrey to watch them give her her bath. I couldn't wait for her to come back!
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She's here and she's perfect!
Getting her here was both tougher and easier than I imagined. But looking back, it was just the way it was supposed to be. I love you sweet girl!
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