Thursday, July 25, 2013

Emmy 7 months

Emmy, you are 7 months old. I'm sorry I forgot to post on your 6 month birthday, time got away from me. One day you will understand.

You are making all kinds of new babbling noises, like "dadadada"
You look like you want to crawl so badly. You tuck your knees under you and schooch forward to reach a toy.
You are enjoying so many new foods and eat your big girl food 3 times a day.
You just got your first tooth! (2 days after your 7mo bday)
You finally stopped spitting up!! Hallelujah!!!
You are wearing 9-12 month clothes. 
You are sharing a room with Aubrey and loving having her company.

We love you baby girl, more than you could possibly imagine.