Thursday, December 20, 2012

Emmy's Birth Story

I finally have a moment to sit down and write about Emmy's birth.  It's a long post- written mostly to mark this memory while it's fresh.  Feel free to read, or scroll to the bottom to see pictures of that sweet baby.

Fist let me say- Weston, Aubrey, Emmy and I are all doing well and we're actually getting some sleep. Also, I want to share how thankful we are for all of our friends and family who have helped out over the past several days-- thank you for your prayers and for all the food!

Mary Elizabeth Brown, "Emmy" was born on a very special day- December 12, 2012 (aka- 12/12/12).  She arrived at 12:02 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs 3 oz and measuring 20.5 inches.  She is absolutely, perfectly sweet and amazing. Here's how she made her debut:

We checked into the hospital at midnight on December 12th for an induction.  It was one week before Emmy's actual due date- everything was fine with her, we just opted to deliver early since I had been having regular contractions and my doctor was due to be out of town for a day or two in the week between the 12th and Emmy's due date on the 19th. We settled into our room in Labor and Delivery and began the induction with something to help thin the cervix. We got as much sleep as you can expect to get when there are machines beeping and buzzing all night long.

The nurse started my pitocin drip around 6:45am and I began to have very regular contractions- some which I needed to concentrate and breathe in order to get through.  My doctor came to check on me and break my water around 8:30 and I was only 3-4 cm and 60% effaced.  As expected, my contractions got more intense after my water was broken and I went ahead and received my epidural around 9:30.  I was very nervous that I wouldn't continue to progress after getting my epidural, but I went ahead and did it-- after all my water was broken and there was no turning back.

My anesthesiologist was great and the epidural worked like a charm.  I could still move my legs and wiggle my toes and even feel that I was having contractions- however there was no pain.  And luckily the epidural didn't make me the least bit sick, so I felt very comfortable.

At 10:30 the nurse checked me and I had progressed to 7 cm and 80% effaced.  Yay!!  I was feeling good and making progress so I took a nap.

When I woke around 11:30 I called the nurse to see if she would help me move over to my other side.  She wanted to check on how I was doing before moving me and when she did--- I was complete (10cm and ready to have a baby).  Then things really picked up as they got the room ready for delivery and called the doctor.

We thought it would be awesome to have Emmy at 12:12 on 12/12/12 but she was eager to arrive and we really couldn't wait much longer.  The doctor arrived, Weston suited up to help deliver the baby (he wanted to assist in delivery), and I started pushing.  We could see it wasn't going to take much to get Emmy out, so the doctor said "Hurry up and get in here Dad!" to Weston---- at which point Weston is scrambling to get the little shoe covers and surgical mask on and get in there. During all the commotion-- pushing, listening to my doctor and nurse, and watching Weston-- I see his glasses fly from his face to the floor, his arms flailing to catch them and put on the mask and booties all at the same time.  It was like watching something out of a movie and I actually belly laughed mid-push.  Only a 2-3 pushes later, Weston delivered sweet baby Emmy!  She let out a big cry and they laid her on my chest so I could see her.  Weston cut her umbilical cord, she got cleaned up a little and then came close to snuggle with her mama.

It was absolutely amazing and the entire experience was so joyful. I love Weston for making me laugh and for helping bring Emmy into the world.  I'm thankful to my doctor and the nurses who took such good care of us all during the whole experience.  And I love sweet little Emmy with all my heart.



  1. thank you so much for sharing!!!! she is BEAUTIFUL! i can't wait to meet her. so glad you are all doing well. snuggle her for me & big hugs to aubrey. lots of love. laura

  2. &&&& PS- you look WAY too glamorous, skinny in the face & energetic to have just had a baby. NOT FAIR!!!!
