Pregnancy will....
1. Cause you to deviate from your original plan to head to the bedroom for sleep at 10pm and instead begin cleaning the bathroom, folding clothes, vacuuming, mopping or doing some activity of that variety. Seriously, it's 10pm, you head towards the bedroom and notice something along the way. Next thing you know it's midnight and you're on the step ladder in the laundry room hunting for the liquid nails.
2. Make tears flow from your eyes at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason.
3. Inspire some very strange food combinations. "Yes- I WOULD like some Siracha sauce on my Fettuccine Alfredo!"
4. Make you pee when you sneeze. 'nuff said.
5. Cause you to eat like a 300 pound truck driver. "Did I really just go through the KFC drive-thru so I could get a biscuit, mashed potatoes, and some macaroni and cheese?"
6. Allow you to grow closer to your husband than you ever imagined you could. Just talking about how your family is growing and changing will change your marriage. Watching your husband nest in his own way is about the sweetest thing you'll see- next to watching him be a daddy to your children.
7. Bring out the perfectionist in you-- even if you didn't know one existed. All of the sudden everything has to be perfect and it's like a ticking time bomb will go off if you don't fix it all before the baby comes. That weird spot on the wall that needs touched up-- you have an overwhelming urge to fix it. You'll rearrange the furniture, get up in the attic for god knows what, paint a room or two, and create a million "To Do" lists. And you'll probably do it around 11pm as I mentioned before.
8. Make doing laundry fun again. All of the sudden it becomes so sweet to wash and fold tiny clothes. You will "Ooooo and Ahhh" over tiny shirts, pants and gowns and breathe in the sweet smell of Dreft as you fold the clothes. Laundry will be sweet and special again.
9. Summon the heart-burn demons from deep within. Who knew an innocent glass of OJ or some tomato bisque soup could be so disruptive to one's sleep??
10. Cause you to be acutely aware of time and want to document EVERYTHING. I can't remember the last time I counted each and every passing week... much less the weeks and the days. If someone asks me how far along I am, I can proudly tell them 27 weeks and 6 days. And I've either journaled, blogged, photographed, or documented in the baby book how each and every one of the past 28 weeks has passed by. My fears, my progress, my excitement, etc..
It's easy to get caught up in a bunch of silly things when you're preparing for another human to join your family, but I think it's natural. It's natural to want to welcome your new baby into a clean and tidy home. It's natural for your body to change and require different things during the 40 weeks it takes to grow a baby. It's natural to go a little crazy and then snap back to normal and realize all of the tremendous ways you've been blessed. Being pregnant is weird- but it's amazing.
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