Friday, November 23, 2012

Pregnancy Update- 36 Weeks, 2 days

Only 3 weeks and 5 days left until my due date!  No detailed update here- not that much has changed since my last post.  I went to the doctor on Tuesday and she confirmed that I haven't made any progress yet (no dilation, baby is still very high and cervix not effacing).

Who knows if baby Emmy will come on early, on time, or late.  My guess is that she's not going to come on her own and we'll have to induce.  At this point it's just a waiting game and I'm getting so excited to meet this sweet baby.

This is what I'm looking like these days.  This is Aubrey and I at the Christmas Tree farm helping Weston's folks pick out a tree.

Luckily I'm feeling great and have plenty of things to do to pass the time. The house is ready for Christmas, I'm done with all my Christmas shopping, and I just need to finish some final things to get all set up for Emmy.  I guess I should pack a hospital bag- I haven't gotten around to that just yet. My hypothesis right now is that we will have to schedule an induction just a few days before Christmas when Emmy is 40 weeks and a few days.  Now that I've put it in writing-- maybe the universe will prove me wrong!

Aubrey's Second Birthday

Aubrey turned 2 on November 19th!  It's hard to believe that two whole years have gone by since came into this world and joined our family.   Since she loves to read, we celebrated with a bookworm party at our house.  Several of Aubrey's little friends came by to play and brought her lots of fun books!  The weather was beautiful and it the party was relaxing and fun!

Aubrey's milestones:
Putting words together to make sentences (Dad... car go bye bye)
Telling us what she wants (I need a cheerio, I need a nap)
Saying hello to everyone she sees! (Hi!  How you?  I good!)
Can count on her fingers
Sings many many songs
Is becoming more of a picky eater
Sits on her little potty seat before a bath
No longer needs her paci!
Ready to be a big sister

Some pictures from the party:

Party invitation

Party favor bags: gummy worms, bookmark and a little book

Bookworm cake

Snack table

Enjoying her birthday cupcake


Iced down drinks for the little guys: apple juice, yoo-hoo and water

Other birthday pics:

At the park

Hanging with Dad

Bath with cousin Brooklynn

Coloring on her new art easel

Happy Birthday Aubrey.  You are more of a blessing than we ever could have imagined and we love you so very much!

Mom and Dad

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pregnancy Update- 35 Weeks

How far along: 34 weeks, 5 days

Count down: 5 weeks, 2 days

Great doctors visit today.  Emmy's heartbeat was 136, which is normal, and I am still measuring right on time.  I had gained a pound since my last appointment, which also seems to be on track.  I start my weekly checkups next week and they will begin to check my cervix for any progress.  It's getting closer!!

Gender: Girl

Total weight gain: 23 lbs

Maternity Clothes:  I haven't purchased anything new in the last month and am trying to hold out for just a few more weeks.  Even though the temperature is finally starting to get cooler, I'm going to get creative and find a way to make all my maternity staples work for just a few more weeks.

Stretch marks: None- I guess my belly was just made to stretch.

Sleep: I've been getting some decent sleep this past week.  My hips and pelvis were hurting me pretty badly in the night, so I've started taking a couple of Tylenol before bed and it seems to ease the pain so I can sleep comfortably.

Miss Anything: Deep breaths and endurance. Emmy frequently moves up into my rib cage and it makes it difficult to take really deep breaths. Also- my endurance is starting to dwindle-- normal activities are starting to make me tired long before they would in my 2nd trimester days.  This makes my non-stop nesting very difficult :)

Movement:  I feel like I can feel every single move this little baby makes.  She must REALLY be cramped for space in there.  I have recently felt her have the hiccups (it's a rhythmic full body movement) and can feel her attempts to stretch out every now and then.  

Cravings:  Hot chocolate and Apple Cider

Symptoms:  Just within the last few days I have begun feeling Braxton Hix contractions.  My stomach will just tighten up for about 15-30 seconds and then release and then do it again 3 or 4 more times.  They're not regular or frequent enough to be real contractions, so I can normally just take a few deep breaths and let them pass.  After feeling REAL labor contractions, I'm not inclined to bother all of my friends who are medical professionals with all the details of each fake contraction like I did last time :)  

Belly button in or out:   Out

Exercise:  It's almost time to start taking long walks to help the baby move down and see about getting labor started.

Mood:  I feel nervous.  Today is my last day of work and I am about to really experience life as a stay at home mom-- where there is no sick time and no paid vacation.  It is going to be such a big change, and I know that it's the right thing.  But I'm stepping out into something new- and that's always a little scary.

Looking forward to:  My sister is coming to visit this weekend for Aubrey's birthday party!  She will be the first of my 5 siblings to come visit us in Shreveport, and I'm beyond excited to have some houseguests for a couple of days.  Thanks for making the trip Connie!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Is it November Already?

I can't believe we're already into November! Where is the time going?  The last few weeks have been lots of fun.  Here are a few family updates in photo. 

The wonderful people at my office threw a little diaper shower for us!  We scored the  motherload of teeny tiny diapers and wipes! I plan to cloth diaper Emmy when she's around 2 or 3 months-- basically once she chunks up a bit.

Aubrey dressed as an Owl for Halloween and we handed out candy to the trick or treaters.  She was more interested in eating the candy than handing it out.  We trick or treated just a bit and met some of our neighbors. We've lived in our neighborhood for over 18 months and it's amazing that we've never met some of these people before.  Trick or treating is a great excuse to connect with your community. 

The nesting continues- I'm trying to figure out what to do in our master bedroom.  Isn't it sad? We have absolutely nothing on the walls.  I've picked out a color palate of Aqua, Navy, and Green.  Now I just need to find the right everything.  :)  *ignore the ceiling fan, we get more light with the globe off

Aubrey is 13 days from her Second birthday. She is talking up a storm and is learning some new dance moves.  Her newest thing is to say, "Hi, how you? I good!"  She is also starting to form sentences like "Bye Dad, work. See you."   She has no idea what's about to happen when this baby comes!

And Weston and I had a chance to go on a date. Even though our date was to a friends birthday party, it was glorious time spent without any children!  Of course, we didn't take any pictures.  :(