Just a short little post about Aubrey's 18 month checkup and some other stuff:
Luckily she’s over her ear infection and is back to healthy
and normal. She’s between the 25th and 50th
percentile and height and right at 50th percentile in weight. She
weighs about 25 pounds and is starting to slim up a bit-- losing some of that baby chub and getting a little bit more tall and lean. (insert frowny face- baby chub is the best)
The doctor
seemed to be pleased with Aubrey’s verbal skills. She told him things
like, “Hey. Bye. Thank You.” J
She pointed at things in the examination room, something I’ve never seen
her do before. It was so sweet to see her point with her little pointer
Lately she’s started saying “Bye…. See.” I’ve
determined that she’s saying “Bye… See ya.” I have noticed that this is
something that Weston and I say a lot when we say goodbye to her. We
didn’t teach her to say that, but she’s picked up on it (the first of many
things she’ll pick up on I’m sure). She's also gotten really good at saying "Uh-Oh." She says it super loud so as to be sure everyone has heard that there was an Uh-Oh.
The other night we taught her
to whisper. She thinks it’s real fun to whisper things. She’s been
giving lots of hugs and kisses as well, which just makes my heart
melt! In the mornings she likes to sit at her little table and snack on
some cheerios and drink her milk while we get breakfast ready. She also has begun to let us read entire books to her. Weston reads Olivia to her
almost every night that he puts her to bed. She actually lets us read the
entire book without trying to turn the pages and close it.
In other news:
1. Gran comes to visit on Sunday!
2. Even though Weston and I spend a good bit of time talking about "parent-things" like diapers and spaghetti and humming the theme songs to Thomas the Train and Super Why... we try not to be totally lame and boring. Occasionally we get a baby-sitter and do "cool stuff". Like last night-we hit up a concert, which is one of our favorite things to do.
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