Sunday, September 29, 2013

Emmy 9 Months

Sweet girl you are just over 9 months now and this is by far my most favorite time with you! You are so interactive and funny. You are inquisitive and adventurous. You are melt-my-heart sweet! And I can't get a single good picture of you because you are 100% ON THE MOVE!!! 

You are:
Crawling VERY fast!
Pulling up
Waving "hi" and "bye"
Say naa, maa, daa, ooo, and ohhh sounds
Working on saying "uh oh"
Signing "more" and "all done"
Following Aubrey everywhere and you put all of her toys in your mouth!
Napping twice a day
Sharing a room with sissy and sleeping all night
Eating 4 bottles and 3 big girl meals
Taking a bath with Aubrey often, and you LOVE it!

And my most favorite thing: 
You can give hugs and kisses (slimy, snotty, open mouth kisses). It's the best!

We love you sweet girl!

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