Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Where to Start?

I have not blogged in FOREVER- so much has been going on.

Emmy is getting so big!  She is 7 weeks old today. Her neck is getting stronger and she can support her head pretty well.  She loves being on her tummy, which means that tummy time is not a battle (as it was with Aubrey).  She loves to stand on her legs and her legs are super strong- Aubrey wasn't interested in using her legs to stand until about 10 months.  She is such a pleasant and laid back baby.  She rarely fusses, loves to coo and smile, and sleeps ALL NIGHT LONG!

Emmy- 2 months

Emmy- here are some things to note from this month:
You love to smile at everybody.
You can focus your eyes on an object and follow it as it moves.
You are cooing and talking so big.
You weigh 12 pounds and are in the 98th percentile for your height.
You wear size 1 diapers (although I've just started putting you in your cloth diapers).
You are sleeping through the night- Yaaaayyy!

Aubrey is growing and changing so much as well. She talks about everything- all day long.  She is so observant and must talk about everything that she sees and hears.  For example- "All done mom's shoes?  Mom's shoes off?"  "All done mom's jacket?"  "Dada work?  Bye Dada!"  "What's that noise?"  We are working on learning our colors and letters of the alphabet.  She does quite well with both.  She is getting much more imaginative and is learning how to do pretend play.  She is happy to play with her stuffed animals and have a tea party, or take them for walks in the house or teach them to do something (like use the potty).  It's amazing just to sit back and watch.  She is so very very affectionate-- she loves to hug and give kisses. She will come over to me and just pat my arm for a bit and then walk away.  She also loves to check in on her baby sister and give her kisses.

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