Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Emmy- 4 months

I'm catching up on Emmy's monthly milestone posts in just two days.  So here's an update for Emmy's fourth month.

Emmy- as of April 12th, you are now 4 months old!  It's unbelievable how quickly the time goes by.  You are such a sweet girl and have learned so many new things in this past month.

At four months you:
*love to watch your sister run around- you can hardly eat your bottle if Aubrey is in the room.  You'd rather watch her play.  I know you're just so eager to get down there and play too!
*are officially a thumb sucker.  You suck your thumb and your pointer finger every chance you get
*can't keep your hands out of your mouth. You try to eat your entire fist!
*love to talk and can make so many loud noises
*giggled and laughed for the first time when I was kissing on your neck
*are spending more time on your tummy, learning how to push your body up with your arms
*love sitting in your exersaucer and your bumbo
*have begun to play with more of your toys.  You inspect them with your eyes, hands, and your mouth!
*love bath time! You kick your feet so fast that you make the water splash all over.

You continue to eat 5 times a day, with a good hour and half nap in between each feeding. You sleep from about 8pm-7am.... and we're all very thankful. :-)  I think you might be ready to drop a nap and possibly a feeding, but I'll wait for your cues to tell me when it's time.

We love you more every single day and want you to know how much of a blessing you are!


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