I know it's totally cliche to say this, but where is the time going? I mean- really!
Not only is Aubrey transforming from a baby to a little girl right before my eyes (more about this below), but I'm already 17 weeks along with little sister. Little sister is now the size of a sweet potato-- we've got a long way to go before she's the size of a watermelon, but it seems like we found out we were having another baby just yesterday! I'm one of those people who will nest throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy. I did it last time, and I've found myself doing it again. It is just an overwhelming urge to get everything perfectly in order. My nesting is not limited to the nursery either- it's the entire house.
Here are a few projects that are stewing in my brain. Weston will die when he sees this! :)
Sewing slip covers for the dining room chairs, maybe without the pleat.
Painting the dining room. How beautiful is this color with the white moulding? The color is Homberg Gray by Sherwin Williams.
I'd like to finish up some decorating in the kitchen- complete with a dinner bell. I love this ship bell.
I've got a million other ideas, and quite frankly I don't expect many of them to get done as my true focus needs to be on figuring out how to accommodate two little people in Aubrey's bedroom. I plan for the girls to share the room once little sis is sleeping through the night-- so if any of you has a twin bed you'd like to throw my way, bring it on!
I plan on sewing a rag quilt for Aubrey's big girl bed. I haven't started looking for fabric quite yet, but my plan is to follow the tutorial below:
Source for tutorial here |
Speaking of Aubrey... it seems she is doing something new every single day. I found a cool source of activities for toddlers on Pinterest that I can't wait to try with her. She is a little sponge and is so ready to learn that I feel obligated to provide her with some fun sensory and educational activities. Check out
this blog for cool toddler activity ideas. My favorite ideas are: the pom pom activity and the pasta activity.
And here's a long list of what Aubrey's up to these days:
- Saying 'tee tee.' She walks past the bathroom, points at the potty and says, 'tee tee.' So last night we let her sit on the potty for a minute. Nothing happened, but it was a great photo opp! We'll have to get her a little potty so she can practice sitting.
She looks totally freaked out. |
- She can look Weston or I straight in the eye and call us "Mama" or "Dada." She knows I'm mom and he's dad. She calls our names when she wants something (which is also new).
- She can play "Ring Around the Rosies" and "London Bridge". She can sing, "Ashes Ashes, Fall Down" and then fall to the floor.
- The days of non stop talking have begun. We were taking a little Sunday drive and she made noise the entire time we were in the car. She was singing, talking, blowing raspberries, etc..
- She is identifying all sorts of new things and able to call them by name. She knows her hairbows are called "Bow." She can say Diaper "Pi-Pi."
- She bows her head to pray when we bless our food. She thinks it's real silly.
- She's asking "What's that?" about everything.
- She can say "Cool!"
- She can count to ten, although not on her own. She knows how to make the noises for the numbers that come next.
- Her song repertoire is growing and now includes- Bye Baby Bunting, Ring Around the Rosies, Ba Ba Black Sheep, Jesus Loves Me, The song to 'Cat in the Hat', and ABC's.
- She can blow kisses and put her finger to her mouth to make the "shhhhh" sound. She doesn't actually make the sound yet, she just blows on her finger.
- She loves Chloe more than Chloe loves her. Aubrey tries to ride her, sit on her, hug her and tickle her. Chloe tries to stay as far away as possible.
I guess that about sums it up. Have a great weekend!