At 12 months she:
Waives hello and bye bye
Says- Hi, Night Night, Uh Oh, Mama, Dada, Dog-woofwoof, and Weee!
Can blink her eyes for a long time
Makes silly faces (serious face and then a smiley face)
Signs please, more and bit
Crawls super fast! She can walk holding on to something, but doesn't let go on her own yet.
Dances and loves to sing
Likes to play on the piano with daddy, brush her hair, talk on the phone and take baths
Her most favorite thing in the world is her seahorse and her sleep blanket.
She loves her sissy and copies her every move.
She is very curious and adventurous
She gives "sweet hugs" to just about everything and makes a kissy noise with her lips.
She will lean in to give kisses to EVERYONE!
Happy birthday little sister. You are the kissy-est, snuggliest, sweetest thing in the world.
Mom and Dad love you so very much!