Friday, May 31, 2013

Core Workout

Emmy has learned a new trick! She is sitting up. Well, mostly she wobbles and hovers over her toes, but occasionally she can work her muscles hard enough to get herself back upright. It's just the cutest thing in the world!

Sitting up like a pro


And then this happens

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I feel like I should take a moment to write down the funny things Aubrey is doing these days.  She's officially two and a half and her vocabulary amazes me!  I may be the only person who understands 100% of what she says, but that's okay because she's hilarious.

Here are a few cute things:
*She recognizes President Obama on the TV and says, "Look, President Oh-bo-bo"
*Everything is "Aubrey doo-yoo"  aka- Aubrey do it.
*She loves playing with her doctors kit.  She likes to listen to your heart and back with her stethescope and make animal noises. She'll say, "I hear a cat in mama! So silly mama."  She picked that up from a friend of mine who did that to Aubrey one day at a playdate and I guess it stuck with her.  She thinks it's so funny.
*When playing doctor's kit- she says, "I have a diagnosis!"
*She says, "I see mailman car! No bonk a horn!" Basically it means that she sees the mail man car and she doesn't want him to honk the horn.
*She is using the potty and very rarely has an accident.
*When we put her to bed she likes to push the button to turn on her white noise.  She looks at it for a solid 30 seconds and then pushes the button with such precision and pride.  She wants to "say prayers" before bed.  She says, "God, Jesus, Thank you for today. Amen"
*She likes to be tucked in with lots of kisses. She says, "Now kiss this side.  Now this side.  Now forehead.  Now lips."
*She has a clock in her room that tells her when it's okay to get out of bed by turning a bright green color.  I can hear footsteps running down the hall every morning as she says "Green light coming on!! Time to wake up!"
*She gives big hugs and says "Best friends mama"  She says "best friends" to Emmy, Chloe and Weston too.
*She has an amazing sense of direction.  She knows when we're going a different way than usual to church.  She knows when we're close to our house.  She knows when we're going down the road that takes us to the Doctor's office and says, "No see Doctor Sanah."  aka- no see doctor susannah :)
*She loves to play stickers and we have stickers stuck all over the place.
*She hates getting her hair combed.
*She loves taking a bath.  She says, "I'm a Mermaid!"
*She can sing the theme song to Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse, and Doc McStuffins.  (we may watch a little too much TV)
*and my favorite.... she says, I LOVE Mama!  I LOVE Dad!  I LOVE Cookie and Putty!  I LOVE Gran and Grandad!

I could go on and on.....  Aubrey starts preschool soon and I'm going to miss all these funny moments.  I love this sweet, funny, smart girl with all my heart!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Emmy 5 Months


My sweet, sweet girl.  You are now 5 months old and I cherish every single day I get to watch you learn and grow.

At 5 months you:
Are rolling over
Have found your feet and love to lay on your back and hold onto your feet
Will soon be sitting up on your own... you're still a little wobbly, but with some support you love to sit up and play.
Love to laugh!  It makes you laugh when we play peek-a-boo and when I kiss on your neck.
Have started blowing serberts (at least that's what I call them) with your mouth
Made your first road trip and did terrific!

Mom and Dad love you with all our hearts.  You bring such joy to our home.

