Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Emmy 3 Months

Emmy- you are now 3 months old!  Your Dad and I love you more and more every single day.  You are the happiest and most content baby I have ever, ever, ever seen.  Some days go by where you don't even cry at all.  You may whimper when you're ready for me to come get you from your nap or when you're waiting patiently for me to fix your bottle--- but you very rarely ever just CRY.

When I go into your room to get you up I can count on seeing a big smile from you EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  And it just makes my heart so happy!  You want to smile at everyone you see and sometimes you would rather just smile than eat your bottle.  You are full of so much joy.

At 3 months you now...
are wearing size 2 diapers
are sleeping 11 hours at night (from about 8:30pm to 7:30am)
eat 5 times a day- every 3-3.5 hours
use your hands to reach out and grab for things. It's only a matter of time before you put everything in your mouth!
coo and talk to your toys, people, and your reflection in the mirror
LOVE to watch your big sister run around
sometimes take a bath with your big sister (which she absolutely loves)
get so excited you often let out a little squeal and kick your legs like crazy
are outgrowing your 3 month clothes and are ready to go up a size
love being outside in the warm weather
don't care much for a pacifier, you'd rather suck on your hands when you can get them out of your swaddle

Here's a comparison of Emmy and Aubrey at 3 months.  Emmy is on the left and Aubrey on the right.  What do you think?